Mike Boulter
We were all desperately sad to hear of the death of Mike Boulter and his wife Jan from COVID earlier this month. Mike had been an active...
January 2021 Newsletter
A very happy New Year to everyone. Let’s hope 2021 brings better times for us all. All of us at PATV are so impatient to be able to get...

Christmas Meerkats!
We hope you enjoy this lovely Christmas picture. Thank you to Jane Hunter.

Update on Latest Sessions
It is with very heavy hearts that we have had to cancel our art sessions at the Dr Peter Centre for the foreseeable future. As it...

October Newsletter
It’s been so wonderful to be able to start see some of you lovely people again and to enjoy seeing the work you have produced. Many...

Some really good news!..
Some really good news! While the current restrictions allow Vicki, Harry and Sue have booked the Dr Peter Centre for follow on sessions....