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June Newsletter

We are delighted to report that Lindsey Parson has accepted our invitation to become Patron of PATV

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Managing Director of MZSL, Dr Lindsay Parson, is a marine geologist of more than thirty years experience in surveying and sampling in the context of maritime legal regimes. He has been the technical lead of, and permanent member of the UK delegation submitting and defending submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf as provided for under the UNCLOS Article 76.

He was the UK member and Chair of the UN International Seabed Authority Legal and Technical Commission in Kingston Jamaica between 2001 and 2006, and has published more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers and books on the geology of and legislative context of ocean space.

He is a member of the International Law Association's Committee on Maritime Delimitation, a Chartered UK and European Geologist, a member of the Editorial Board of Marine Geology and a member of a number of international advisory boards world-wide.

Lindsay has been a huge supporter of PATV since its inception and we are honoured and delighted that he has accepted the role of Patron.

We have another busy month with the completion of another six week art sessions. Our follow on sessions are joyful occasions when new friendships are fostered and developed. At a recent session I collected a few comments which sum up how patients feel about their PATV sessions:

P said “I get fulfilled from seeing other people going through the classes and progressing.

M said “it was really hard to come at first as I was really badly depressed but Vicki calmed me down”

A said “it’s relaxing, enjoyable and good to talk to people”

D said “you can be yourself in the group and feel confident. I look forward to coming”

E said “it’s nice to sit and be”

On the 20th May, a group of intrepid singers set off to Southampton Station to sing in a flash mob on the station forecourt led by Kim Garner. This was an event organised by the station manager to promote mental health week. Prescription Art Singers were joined by various other local choirs and gave a spirited rendition of Stand by Me much to the surprise of commuters and local office workers.

We had so much fun we are planning on doing something similar in Romsey later this year. watch this space!

On Saturday 24th May Vicki and I were present at the Abbotswood Care Home mini art festival where we held morning and afternoon workshops for residents. Our good friend Siriol Sherlock presented the prizes. One resident won afternoon tea for two at Kimbridge Barn and another the framing of her picture, this being kindly donated by Jonathan Birch of Dovetail Framing.

Prescription Art Test Valley is a registered charity. Registered in England and Wales.

Charity Registration No. 1177894

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