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January 2021 Newsletter

A very happy New Year to everyone. Let’s hope 2021 brings better times for us all. All of us at PATV are so impatient to be able to get together again and start running our groups.

We hope you are still keeping creative and we are hoping to be able to finish our alphabet lockdown booklet soon.

Bernice has come up with a great idea of a self portrait competition. If you feel inspired why not give it a go.

If you are missing your art fix you might be interested in looking at the National Gallery website There are lots of inspiring guided talks and they do a picture of the month.

If you feel like five minutes of calm check out this video. Its very calming and beautiful

Stay safe and well until we meet again.

Jill and all at PATV


Prescription Art Test Valley is a registered charity. Registered in England and Wales.

Charity Registration No. 1177894

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