October Newsletter
It’s been so wonderful to be able to start see some of you lovely people again and to enjoy seeing the work you have produced. Many thanks to Vicki and Harry and the volunteers for persevering with running these classes and coping with all the challenges.
Bryan has been especially busy and we are featuring his very own exhibition on a separate page.
We are hoping to continue with fortnightly sessions at the Dr Peter Centre as long as Government guidelines permit. Please let us know if you wish to attend as we cannot exceed certain numbers.
We would love to see your work or photos and you can now post them on the Forum on this website. You should have had an email giving you information how to access the forum but if not, let us know.
You can post anything on there, a poem, a picture of your latest creation or something that has made you smile
Here are few things that have kept my spirits up in the last few months

A beautiful display of succulents seen at RHS Wisley. I am working on my own version of this.
Watch this space!

A lovely new soap dish made by our very own Harry Wesley

The sun shining through my kitchen window was refracted through a strainer creating a lovely pattern on the splash back behind

My 3 year old grandson’s work of art using his mother’s lipstick on duvet cover...Hmm !
Our wonderful fundraising committee member Mavis Sawdy has now retired from the PATV committee. She has supported us right from the beginning and is very skilled at navigating grant requests. She will be much missed. We do need to start thinking about fundraising again and if anyone has any clever ideas on how we can do this I am open to all suggestions! Please email me at info@prescriptionarttestvalley.org
Hoping to see you all again very soon. Meanwhile stay safe and keep on being creative.